
Hotel information for the 2025 MDA Annual Session, April 23-26 in Detroit, will be available in mid-December. Please check back at that time.

Warning: Outside Firms Offering Special Rates

NOTICE: Contact by any company soliciting as the “official” MDA housing company, offering special non-refundable rates at MDA Conference hotels, and requesting credit card information should be considered a scam. All Annual Session attendees and exhibitors should be aware that no one from the MDA solicits directly by telephone for hotel bookings or special discounts.

  • MDA does not sell or give away membership or attendee email contact information.
  • No company is authorized to distribute or sell any lists for the event.
  • MDA does not rent, share or sell your attendee contact information to third parties.

Do not engage with and/or acquire/purchase any list from any company claiming to have use of the MDA database, attendees, or contact information, as it puts your and others’ contact information at risk. Often times, responding to these emails (even to “unsubscribe”) confirms to them that they have reached a valid email address.